RSSA Courses

Remote Sensing Core Course

Course NumberCourse TitleUnitsTypically OfferedInstructor
REM 590**Remote Sensing for the Study of Planet Earth**3FallWilliam Smith

Spatial Analysis Core Courses

Course NumberCourse TitleUnitsTypically OfferedInstructor
RNR 517**Geographic Information Systems for Natural and Social Sciences**3FallCraig A. Wissler
REM 590**Remote Sensing for the Study of Planet Earth**3FallWilliam Smith

Remote Sensing Technique Courses

Course NumberCourse TitleUnitsTypically OfferedInstructor
OPTI 506Radiometry, Sources, and Detectors3FallRichard Koshel
OPTI 508Probability and Statistics in Optics3SpringMatthew Kupinski
ECE/OPTI 532Digital Image Analysis3FallJeffrey J. Rodriguez
ECE/OPTI 533Digital Image Processing3Fall
Jeffrey J. Rodriguez
OPTI 539*Estimation Methods in Optics3FallCurrently Unavailable
ATMO 555Introduction to Atmospheric and Hydrology Remote Sensing3FallAli Behrangi
GEN 560*Electrical Exploration Methods3FallCurrently Unavailable
GEOS 567Inverse Problems in Geophysics3Fall and SpringRichard Bennett
BE 585Remote Sensing Data and Methods3SpringKamel Didan
OPTI 637Principles of Image Science3SpringEric Clarkson
ATMO656A**Atmospheric Radiation and Remote Sensing3Spring 
(even years)
Xiquan Dong
REM 696*Remote Sensing Seminar (not listed)1SpringCurrently Unavailable

Remote Sensing Applications Courses

Course NumberCourse TitleUnitsTypically OfferedInstructor
PTYS 518*Instrumentation and Statistic**3FallChad Bender
Ewan Douglas
ENVS 520*Environmental Physics3FallMarcel Schaap
RNR/GEOG 522*Resource Mapping Using Unmanned Aircraft Systems3FallWillem J.D. van Leeuwen
HWRS/ATMO 524*Hydroclimatology3SpringGuo-Yue Niu
GEOG 583Geographic Applications of Remote Sensing**3SpringW.J.D. van Leeuwen
ATMO 656B*Atmospheric Optics and Radiation**3SpringCurrently Unavailable

Spatial Analysis Courses

Course NumberCourse TitleUnitsTypically OfferedInstructor
ATMO 545Introduction to Data Assimilation3FallAvelino Arellano
GEOG 516CUrban Geographic Information Systems**3FallCurrently Unavailable
GEOG 516EGeovisualization (GIS)**3SpringCurrently Unavailable
RNR 517Geographic Information Systems for Natural and Social Sciences**3FallCraig A. Wissler
RNR/GEOG 519Cartographic Modeling for Natural Resources3SpringD. Phillip Guertin
RNR/GEOG 520Advanced Geographic Information Systems3SpringCraig A. Wissler
RNR/GEOG 522*Resource Mapping Using Unmanned Aircaft Systems3FallWillem J.D. van Leeuwen
GEOG 524 Integrated Geographic Information Systems3SpringUnavailable
GEOG 553Advanced Location Theory**3FallUnavailable
GEOG 574GIntroduction to Geostatistics**3SpringUnavailable
RNR/GEOG 573Spatial Analysis & Modeling3SpringD. Phillip Guertin
RNR/GEOG 584Fire Mapping3SpringUnavailable
GEOG 657*Spatial Analysis3SpringCurrently Unavailable
GEOG 696CSpatiotemporal Data Analysis3Fall (not every year)Kevin Anchukaitis

Undergraduate Courses in Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis

Course NumberCourse TitleUnitsTypically OfferedInstructor
GEOG 330Introduction to Remote Sensing**3FallTom Evans
BE 385Precision Observations with Drones3FallKamel Didan
RNR/GEOG 403Applications of Geographic Information Systems3Fall and Spring

D. Phillip Guertin

C.A. Wissler

GEN 407*Photogeology3SpringCurrently Unavailable
RNR 417Geographic Information Systems for Natural and Social Sciences**3FallCraig Wissler
Gary Christopherson
RNR/GEOG 419Cartographic Modeling for Natural Resources3SpringD. Philiip Guertin
RNR/GEOG 420Advanced Geographic Information Systems3SpringCraig A. Wissler
RNR/GEOG 422Resource Mapping using Unmanned Aircraft Systems3FallWillem J.D van Leeuwen
GEOS/GEN 448 Geophysical Exploration and Engineering3FallB.K. Sternberg
ECE 456*Optoelectronics3FallKelly Potter
GEOG 458Geography of Transportation3Fall and SpringUnavailable
GEOG 483Geographic Applications of Remote Sensing3SpringW.J.D. van Leeuwen
REM 490*Remote Sensing for the Study of Planet Earth3Fallupon request

*Courses are currently unavailable **Crosslisted with several other Departments